'Mapping and Sewing Together Mythologies'
| karosta |

This project is a collaboration between Signe Pucena (LV) and Andrew Paterson (UK/FI), that began in Karosta -Latvia, July 2003.

'Drawing' from the local ethno-acoustic landscape, the project aims to map and link locative media - recorded with mobile media-capture devices: image, sound, gps-trace, movie - from a person-centred position of narrative and experience.

In two physical locations, our collaboration aims to explore cross-cultural (Sami-Finnish-Russian at Inari-Ivalo -Lapland & Russian-Latvian at Karosta -Latvia) and mono-culture (deeply local) experiencies. In-other-words, through the stories, personal narratives, mythologies and songs that people use to describe or show a sense of shared, common and collective memory to others, in relation to the environment in which they are situated.

The project is documented (as work-in-progress) in the links above [ karosta | inari ], and further in 'elements' [e.g. orientation | compass | etc.] with mixed media - digital images, short movies, sounds samples and text.

Low-resolution images and .3gp movie-clips were taken with a Nokia 3650 camera-phone, while other images are recorded with high-resolution digital camera; Sound samples were recorded on DAT audio (inari) and mini-disc (karosta) with an omni-directional microphone; GPS readings and trace images captured using the WAAG's realtime GPS device.

Click here to get quicktime 6.5 player to play the mobile 3GPP format (.3gp) and other media

The project will elaborate tangible representations and appropriate means of feedback to communicate the project to the local communities where the media was gathered.

The work-in-progress will be presented at the 'Art+Communicaton' festival in Riga in November 2004.

